Questions Asked by Users
Here is a list of questions sent in by our readers.
  • Could you give some examples of phrasal verbs with ‘put’?
  • What is the use of an Exclamation Mark?
  • Where do we use an apostrophe?
  • ‘Terrible on’ or ‘terrible at’ – which preposition should be used with the adjective ‘terrible’?
  • ‘She speaks the English’ and ‘she speaks English’ – which sentence is correct and why?
  • We say ‘an egg’, ‘an umbrella’ but why do we say ‘a European tourist’? Likewise, we say ‘a hut’ but why do we say ‘an honest man’?
  • Why do we put comma in Direct Speech?
  • ‘He is at office’ or ‘he is at the office’ – which sentence is correct and why?
  • ‘Typical of’ or ‘typical on’ – which preposition should be used after ‘typical’?
  • Why is ‘the Himalayas’ but not ‘the Mount Everest’?
  • ‘Resign on’ or ‘resign from’ – which preposition should be used after the verb ‘resign’?
  • What is a comma used for?
  • ‘Tired of’ or ‘tired for’ – which is the correct usage?
  • ‘Invest on’ or ‘invest in’ – which is the correct usage?
  • Do we put ‘I’ or ‘me’ after ‘than’?
  • Is the word ‘everytime’ or ‘every time’?
  • What is the difference between- I.e. or e.g.?
  • What is a rhetorical question?
  • Why do we use ‘the’ before some countries and not before others?
  • Are there different types of collocations?
  • Which sentence is correct - "all is present" or "all are present"?
  • Are metaphors and similes the same thing?
  • What is a semicolon used for?
  • What is the difference between ‘I used to’ and ‘I am used to’?
  • While wishing happy new year many people say " Wish you a happy new year". Is it proper to use article "A" here?
  • How to know which words would be spelled with ‘ie’ and which with ‘ei’?
  • Is it ‘me and John’ or ‘John and I’?
  • What is the difference between ‘acronyms’ and ‘abbreviations’?
  • Is there any difference between an ‘appetizer’ and a ‘starter’?
  • How do I distinguish between Idioms and Proverbs?
  • What do you mean by pulling someones leg?