It is best to be clear on the meanings of these three words so as not to confuse them in everyday usage.


‘To’ functions as

  1. A preposition, in which case it always precedes a noun, as in I am going to school and He is on his way home.
  2. An infinitive, in which case it always precedes a verb, as in I am going to study and I am going to take a vacation.


‘Too’ functions

  1. As a synonym for ‘also’, as in I would like to come, too and He worked on the project, too.
  2. As a synonym for ‘excessively’, where it precedes an adjective or an adverb, as in I am too tired to continue or This pastrami is much too salty.


‘Two’ is the number that follows ‘one’ and precedes ‘three’. It has no other meaning.