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When to use ‘say’ and ‘tell’ in reported speech?Answered On :2013-09-18 , Asked By : punitsharma

When we report to someone what the other person said we generally use the verbs ‘say’ or ‘tell’. With ‘tell’, we use the subject but not with ‘say’. Consider the examples:

She told me that she was not going to the party. (told that)

She said that she was not going to the party. (said me)

In the above sentences, information remains the same. Note that there is subject me after ‘told’ but not after ‘said’.

However we can use to+object (to+me) with ‘say’ but not with ‘tell’. For example:

They said to me that they weren’t feeling well.

They told me that they weren’t feeling well. (told to me)

We also use told+object+about in the following way:

She told him about their secret plan. 

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