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Average Score: 5.27

Total Attempts: 11

(1) Meaning of: Overshoe
(a)       An orientation that characterizes the thinking of a group or nation    
(b)       The light noise like the noise of silk clothing or leaves blowing in the wind    
(c)       Footwear that protects your shoes from water or snow or cold
(d)       A female domestic     (Your answer)
(2) Meaning of: Forlornness
(a)       Sadness resulting from being forsaken or abandoned
(b)       Extreme fatigue     (Your answer)
(c)       The immediate descendants of a person    
(d)       A mental position from which things are viewed    
(3) Meaning of: Jubilance
(a)       State of being torn or burst open    
(b)       A state of gloomy sorrow     (Your answer)
(c)       A feeling of extreme joy
(d)       The noise of something spattering or sputtering explosively    
(4) Meaning of: Disgust
(a)       Strong feelings of dislike
(b)       Freedom from doubt    
(c)       Temporary fortification like a detached bastion    
(d)       Someone making a search or inquiry    
(5) Meaning of: Diagnose
(a)       Make a formal request for official services    
(b)       Watch and direct     (Your answer)
(c)       Determine or distinguish the nature of a problem or an illness through a diagnostic analysis
(d)       Separate into parts or portions    
(6) Meaning of: Attire
(a)       Clothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion
(b)       A means or instrumentality for storing or communicating information    
(c)       Someone who makes or repairs articles of silver    
(d)       An abnormal condition     (Your answer)
(7) Meaning of: Peculiarity
(a)       Financial risk     (Your answer)
(b)       An odd or unusual characteristic
(c)       A distinctive odor that is offensively unpleasant    
(d)       A sharp pointed device attached to the cartridge of a record player    
(8) Meaning of: Erroneousness
(a)       Inadvertent incorrectness
(b)       Weather unsuitable for outdoor activities     (Your answer)
(c)       An angular shape characterized by sharp turns in alternating directions    
(d)       A condition of great disorder    
(9) Meaning of: Pall
(a)       Excessive size     (Your answer)
(b)       An event that departs from expectations    
(c)       A sudden numbing dread
(d)       A painful and involuntary muscular contraction    
(10) Meaning of: Gasp
(a)       An involuntary intake of breath through a wide open mouth    
(b)       The trait of condescending to those of lower social status    
(c)       The temporal end     (Your answer)
(d)       A short labored intake of breath with the mouth open