Your Score: 7
Average Score: 6.77
Total Attempts: 3812
1. _____ is the problem?
- (a) When
- (b) How
- (c) Which
- (d) What
2. _____ do the holidays start?
- (a) How
- (b) What
- (c) Where
- (d) When
3. _____ don’t you play cricket?
- (a) Where
- (b) Why
- (c) What
- (d) When
4. _____ is the chemist shop?
- (a) What
- (b) When
- (c) Where
- (d) How
5. _____ is living in this house?
- (a) What
- (b) Where
- (c) How
- (d) Who
6. _____ is your favourite colour?
- (a) Which
- (b) How
- (c) When
- (d) Why
7. ____ long was the movie?
- (a) When
- (b) What
- (c) Where
- (d) How