Your Score: 5
Average Score: 3.85
Total Attempts: 1171
1. प्रिया टेनिस नहीं खेलती|
- (a) Priya not play tennis.
- (b) Priya do not play tennis.
- (c) Priya does not play tennis.
2. वो मुंबई में नहीं रहते|
- (a) They do not live in Mumbai.
- (b) They does not live in Mumbai.
- (c) They not lives in Mumbai.
3. रोहित कॉलेज नहीं जाता|
- (a) Rohit does not go to college.
- (b) Rohit do not go to college.
- (c) Rohit not go to college.
4. वह अच्छा नही गाता
- (a) He not sing well.
- (b) He do not sing well.
- (c) He does not sing well.
5. हमें सेब पसंद नहीं है|
- (a) We does not like apple.
- (b) We do not like apple.
- (c) We no like apple.