Your Score: 3
Average Score: 4.15
Total Attempts: 2944
1. निशा कालकाजी में रहती है|
- (a) Nisha live in Kalkaji.
- (b) Nisha live Kalkaji
- (c) Nisha lives in Kalkaji.
2. उसे किताबें पढ़ना पसंद है|
- (a) She likes to read books.
- (b) She like to read books.
- (c) She like to write book.
3. वह अँग्रेज़ी पढ़ाती है|
- (a) She learns English.
- (b) She teaches English.
- (c) She studies English.
4. वह अध्यापिका है|
- (a) She is a teacher.
- (b) She teacher is.
- (c) She are a teacher.
5. वह 25 साल की है|
- (a) She are 25 years old.
- (b) She is 25 years old.
- (c) She 25 years old.